martes, 20 de septiembre de 2011


This post at The Zhush reminded me about something I had to share:

The happiness I felt when I received my first issue ever of American Elle Decor Magazine, which I subscribed several months ago. Yay!

But, that same day I also received a fabulous book I had purchased at Empire Splendor. Double yay! Double Happiness!

Well, about the first one... I must say I did not like the issue very much; it is not a surprise at all, since I don't usually like summer issues of interior design magazines. Anyway, Elle Decor is a great magazine and I am sure the October issue (Which is already out, I think) is definitely going to be better.

Talking about the book... It is amazing: I love the covers (even the interior ones are really beautiful), the pictures, the text... Everything is gorgeous. It shows the decor of French Palaces, manors, gardens, etc. during the era of the French Empire. A great journey through furniture, rooms, textiles and lighting in the Age of Napoleon. If you like Neoclassical interiors, I totally recommend it.

And something else... Hopefully, Spanish Interior Design magazines will be released by the end of this week... Cannot wait for them! El Mueble, Nuevo Estilo, AD... Which surprises will they bring this month?

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